Thursday 11 November 2010

What Do You Hate Most?

I wrote about the importance of waking up early for fast weight gain yesterday. Most successful people are early risers. Donald Trump wakes up at 5:30am, Tiger Woods wakes up at 6:30. It’s a foolproof method to get more done.

And yet, every time I introduce this idea to a guy who wakes up late and/or at a different time every day, I meet with resistance.

StrongLifts Platinum Member Tom used to woke up between 8am and noon when he first joined my coaching program. His wake up time depended on the time his shift started and the time he went to bed the night before.

The result: 35lbs under-weight.

By forcing Tom to track every single calorie he ate, day after day, I showed him the direct correlation between his daily caloric intake and his wake up time. So far, Tom has already gained 21lbs by just waking up at 7am ever day. It’s not rocket science, you get more calories in when you eat more than 3x/day.

But nobody likes waking up early. I sure hate it. Especially during the cold winter mornings here in Belgium. I’d rather stay in my warm bed. Heck, I’m my own boss, working from home, I can decide whenever I want to wake up.

And yet I wake up early, every weekday, no matter what. Why would I do that? Because I know from experience that it makes an incredible difference.

After coaching countless of guys, I’ve come with a powerful question that gets them moving towards the kind of lifestyle that will yield the muscle and strength gains they always wanted. I’ve used this question with Tom. It goes like this…

“ Waking up early OR staying skinny, fat and weak?”

I know the answer.

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5 Responses to “”Dan says:October 28, 2010 at 2:41 pm

After reading your posts about waking up early I started today,too (though I couldn’t convince my gf to try it too, eventhough she’s sleepy all day long due to her wrong sleeping and eating habits)

Waking up just 15 minutes earlier (6:15 am for me) I had enough time to enjoy a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of water. Usually I get my first meal of the day after the first lecture (over 3 hours later).

Now I have to resist the habit to sleep in on weekends as I’m used to staying up late and sleeping till noon.

nisch says:October 28, 2010 at 2:50 pm

” waking up early or staying skinny,weak fat?”

That’s a really great motivator thank you. I’ll think about it tomorrow morning.

SonOfTroy says:October 28, 2010 at 5:58 pm

I think the correlation you drew between getting up early and being successful is really interesting because it highlights the underlying source of both: self control. If you have enough self control to force yourself to get up early everyday, you have enough to stay focused on your goals no matter what.

Sonny says:October 28, 2010 at 10:43 pm

Cool article, has some saying in it.

bam says:October 28, 2010 at 11:05 pm

Great point SonOfTroy, I did not think of that

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