Friday 19 November 2010

The Secret to Unstoppable Motivation

I believe that the main reason why so much guys get caught into that muscle confusion nonsense is that they get bored. They get bored of their training program, and thus they think they need something new to keep it fun.

The erroneous thinking here is that training is supposed to always be fun.

I urge you to get that out of your head right now. Training is not always going to be fun. Consistency is key to success and that means training when you’re tired, sore, not in the mood, sick, heck even injured. None of that is fun.

Yet if you expect to always have fun and only go to the gym when you feel like it’s going to be fun, then I guarantee you – you won’t be showing up a lot.

In fact, it’s been my observation that the guys who train even when they’re tired, sore, sick – whatever – accomplish the most impressive gains.

As an example, consider StrongLifts Member Will aka “Sid” (23, NY USA). He gained 37lbs and increased his Squat by 410lbs (475lbs so far at 200lbs body-weight) in only 18 months. Pay attention to what he says…

The only thing I can attribute the fast strength gains to is desire and consistency. Aside from a 2 week vacation, I never missed a session on SL5x5/3×5. I trained when I was sick, and when I just felt like crap (and sometimes still hit PRs.) I slept 8 hrs almost every day. I ate when I needed to eat. While at first I was skeptical, once I saw my numbers going up, I started to take this very seriously.

Once he saw his numbers going up, he started taking this very seriously. This is the real secret to motivation: results – NOT fun.

When you are gaining muscle, when you are hitting PRs, when all your friends are starting to notice and complimenting you on your physique and strength, then you’ll be motivated to do whatever it takes. Training will sometimes be fun, and sometimes it won’t. But real, dramatic results will always be fun.

Many guys get bored of their training NOT because they’re not having fun. But because they’re not getting results. You do not need to switch to another program all the time, you just need to do one proven to deliver results.

Yes I’m shamelessly going to plug my StrongLifts 5×5 program because I truly believe it’s the most powerful training strategy you can do, and I have so far over 184 success stories to prove it. Try it for 12 weeks, it works.

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15 Responses to “”pboonnao says:November 16, 2010 at 1:22 pm

Millions likes. That’s what I’m thinking right now. Lately, I only to to gym whenever I feel like to. Because I hit a new PR and feel like everything is too hard too heavy to do it 3 times a week so my motivation is missing. Thank you for a wake up article.

Jim says:November 16, 2010 at 1:26 pm

Thank you I have been asking that question from multi sourses.Some days I hate working out but I do it and consider it more of a success than any other workout day because I didn’t want to do it but I did do it.
Live Long Live Strong
PS- I am 59

Keagan says:November 16, 2010 at 2:26 pm

When I get back from a break I can barely walk 2 days later…that is probably the only time I take a break, and its for a day.Better safe than sorry especially when coming back from a break. Otherwise just play some rocky and blast out the sets.

Mark says:November 16, 2010 at 4:18 pm

Right Mehdi!
Since I started SL5x5, I’ve pretty much been falling apart. I’ve always believed “No Pain – No Gain”. Since July, I’m down 35lbs., a lot of body fat has disappeared, I’m feeling MUCH stronger (although very tired and run down often), I’m getting compliments from those who don’t see me often, I can bend and move now and I couldn’t before. There is alot more, but it IS all you said. I’ve turned my health around which is the MOST important thing. I just keep eating, keep lifting, keep the tunes playing,,,,,,AND I envision what I want to be! It works!! Consistency seems to be the KEY component.

Bill says:November 16, 2010 at 4:19 pm

Great post! Once I am serious about a program I try my best to stay consistent. I wake up early somedays to get my work out in, and even though I am tired and I may be so drained by the end of the lifts that I can’t do the extra exercises I still get up to do it. If I am sick is one of the best times to work out as it helps fight off what ever I am coming down with. Lets all stay motivated and consistent and we will all have success! And I agree, with Keagan about playing some Rocky, just seems to help motivate a little more!

Eric says:November 16, 2010 at 5:20 pm

Plug away Mehdi!!

neil says:November 16, 2010 at 6:17 pm

Consistency is definatley the key, but i have found better gains since going to twice a week workouts. I didnt do this until my squat was 110kg and deadlift 140kg. I work shifts and somtimes get mild insomnia though which is probably why 3x a week is not so good for me.

wsuwarrior says:November 16, 2010 at 6:20 pm

Good article as always. Ive been trying to drill this type of thinking into my sometimes-training partner for over a year. You can be tired, sore, not in the mood, etc. but when you get to the gym and start pushing weight, all those thoughts leave your head. You focus on the workout. I think I finally got through to him to other day when I MADE him workout even though he was tired, and he had one of his best workouts in months.

Its all about gaining that mentality.

Julian says:November 16, 2010 at 8:56 pm

Been on SL5x5 for two weeks and I love the consistency and steady increase in weights. Although I have been lifting weights for a few years now with good results, I underestimated the necessity of focussing on one simple plan.

rere says:November 16, 2010 at 9:00 pm

Man, I have worked out for so long, I know exactly what Mehdi is getting at. For me Squats were always hard, I had trouble, I blamed it on sickness etc, When you look in your training log, you just get up and go to the gym, no matter what. I think Mehdi should write an article on the importance of your training log, it’s like a training partner you never had.

Faraz says:November 16, 2010 at 10:15 pm

Consistency is the key…. but despite tiredness, soreness, sickness I find training to be fun!!

Keep the big movements like squats, deads, presses and rows… and tweek the less important bits to keep it fun…. ie stay consistent with the important movements and have a little fun with other bits and pieces…..

Ben says:November 16, 2010 at 10:26 pm

This article is spot on.

Many a time i have had been sore, or tired and thought i will have a light day today but as soon as i start moving the iron i think you know what. Why waste a week.

Brilliant, keep it up Mehdi

David says:November 16, 2010 at 11:42 pm

I work out by myself and can not say I have ever felt like I was having fun. I have overcome a spinal injury and lift religously, and never think about maybe I should change up my program. Anyone can take a look at my log and see success. The log is really the only part of my routine where I do have fun. I really enjoy interacting with other like minded people. As an old Navy Master Chief Petty Officer used to say, “Results count, everything else is bullshit”.
Thanks for the awesome website Medhi!

Porter Perkins says:November 17, 2010 at 12:30 am


I am addicted to SL 5×5 since I’ve started seeing and feeling real results. The difference in playing rugby or any other sport, the difference in the way I feel and look…

Though I also confess that as a graduate student sometimes it becomes a matter of school v gym, and generally the former wins out, so I end, like now, missing a week or so here and there. But as they say it’s a marathon, and so long as I don’t

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